i woke up at 2am with the worst tummy pains, hooray, i had gotten the dreaded gastro bug. after spending the rest of the night on the toilet, ashley gave me some pills to help out and i managed to make our 11 hour bus trip to croatia with no sudden mishaps. along with 11 others on the tour...
we travelled via montenegro, and the scenery was apparently beautiful, but i was curled up in the back of the bus trying not to die, so i missed most of it. i got a few snaps of the montenegro coastline for you though....
then we headed to croatia, made it across more border controls which took ages, and drove along the cliffs to our hostel. i wish id taken a photo for you of old dubrovnik from the coach, but id run out of energy, since all id eaten was a powerade and a few pretzel sticks! so youll just have to imagine it or google it. [i am still annoyed now [weeks later] that i didnt get that shot. oh well.]
we arrived at the hostel and just before dinner there was an amazing sunset, so i got that for you guys
and we had soup [which i ate, then went back to my room to sleep], and the rest of them had free range chicken yum! :) everyone went out for a girls night / boys night, except for the 11 of us that got gastro from albania. hopefully we will be fine in the morning!