we had a free day to explore paris. alot of people left early to get into the museums earlier, because it was the fir sunday of the month so the museums were free. i wish we had done that, by the time we got there the ques were gigantic. so we took photos outside the louvre instead.
the catacombs were crazy. ive never seen anything like it, very creepy! there were just bones EVERYWHERE! the people were employed to arrange the bones down there and i think they got bored, because there were all sorts of designs including a love heart made out of skulls!

there was also a bit of tagging which was really sad to see, these people had already lost so much dignity by being thrown into a mass grave without being tagged on. they also did a bag check when you left because people steal bones [they caught two people with stolen skulls the day we were there]

we did a bit of shopping for the ‘tight and bright’ party at the chateau the next night and walked back to the bus. we headed back to camp and got ready for our evening out.
we cruised into paris and went for dinner at a restaurant, so yum, i had duck l’orange and had the most beautiful rose’ wine. we had a lady come and play music for us, and she even cracked out waltzing matilda which was awesome!
we then went down the road to the burlesque place. on the way Zsofi revealed our contiki theme song, 'Memories' by david guetta and kid cuttie, and the whole bus just went nuts dancing while we drove down the road. at the burlesque, we had real french champagne and watched the dancing. lots of topless dancing, very interesting, we werent allowed to put photos up, but i took some ambient shots of joseph enjoying champagne, so see that below :)
we somehow managed to miss the bus back to the camp, joseph accidentally drank too much wine, and japan [aka shin] ran down the road and chased after the bus for 15mins and caught up with them, while joseph and i waited outside a restaurant. well i waited and paced, joseph was passed out in a chair, lucky the bouncers didnt mind us being there. being stranded in paris at 1am is not a fun feeling. japan sent Zsofi back in a taxi to get us and jared kindly escorted her for safety reasons, and they found us, and we all hopped in and went home. $35 euros later!!!! but it was a great night anyway :)
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