today we headed to josephs cousin Marina’s place on the train to meet her and her husband Henk for the first time. Joseph hasnt seen his family since he was here last when he was one year old! we caught the train from hildesheim to lelystad, where Marina and Henk met us, they are so lovely! we hopped in their lovely car [bmw x3 - i want one!!!] and cruised over to their lovely home, which is an apartment on the top floor overlooking the water.
we spent the evening chatting and getting to know each other and eaing marinas yummy food!
on monday we went to the supermarket, which was highly excting! i love looking in foreign supermarkets, at all the things you cant get at home! its Marinas birthday on wednesday, and all of the family are coming over, so im making her a vanilla birthday cake [yum!] i hope it goes well! they took us out to the outlet shopping mall, which was laid out open air style, but i forgot to take a photo of the entrance, it kinda looks like a boat. i bought my leather leaf clutch, and oogled at so many leather handbags! then on the way home, we stopped for a wine at this nice bar that overlooked the water, and also stopped off to look at the sculpture that is being built across the other side of the water from their house.
as i write this, its now tuesday, and today Marina had to work, so Henk surprised us and took us out to the kroller-muller museum in the stichting het nationale park. AMAZING. i got to see real monets, mondials and van gogh! woohoo! very exciting. so i took loads of pictures for you all, so enjoy! [thanks henk!]
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